


The event promotes social, entrepreneurial, and quality of life actions in the cities where it passes

Conasa, with the support of the organizers of Sertões BRB, delivered 65 water purifying filters to families and the school of Comunidade Quilombola Boa Esperança, located in the municipality of Mateiros/TO, on September 4th. The filters, assembled by the company's employees, are composed of two non-toxic 10-liter buckets, a faucet, and a traditional filter candle for treating water intended for eating and cooking. The filter composition materials were chosen so that they could be replicated, being found in building supply stores.

“We are very happy with this partnership with Conasa for the 30th anniversary edition. Sertões BRB is a zero-carbon event and this is another action that shows our concern with environmental impact and with the intention of leaving a legacy for the cities we visit. We want to leave a positive mark on the host cities. The Sertões stage is Brazil and nothing more special than this action that Conasa has proposed to carry out to improve the quality of life of a quilombola community”, highlights Leonora Guedes, executive director of Sertões BRB.

Collective awareness

Comunidade Quilombola de Boa Esperança has no sanitation and the water consumed and used by its residents comes from the Córrego Boa Esperança, smaller adjacent streams, and an artesian well. The use of water filters will be an important asset for the health of the population. They contain a sticker explaining how to clean and periodically change the spark plug to maintain the quality of drinking water.

Along with the filter, the families received a booklet with information about the importance of drinking treated water, warning about diseases related to lack of sanitation and the step-by-step instructions for cleaning the water tank. “In addition to donating the filter intended for drinking water for all families in the community, we promoted an action to raise awareness of the importance of drinking treated water, in a social and educational initiative that contributes to the health of residents and the dissemination of knowledge about taking care of water when eating and preparing food”, said Mario Marcondes Neto, CEO of Conasa.