Numbers from Conasa Águas de Itapema point to significant growth in demand
From December 20th to January 10th, the period with the highest concentration of tourists in Itapema, the volume in the Water Treatment Stations and the Sewage Treatment Station were records.
Compared to the last four summer seasons, the increase in treated water production was over 160 million liters, totaling 915 million liters in supply in the period.
In terms of sewage treatment, the growth in the number of liters of treated effluents, compared to the last four seasons, was 135 million, which meant a volume of 400 million liters of treated sewage.
According to the preview of the 2022 Demographic Census, Itapema gained 6 thousand residents from 2021 to 2022, totaling nowadays more than 76 thousand inhabitants. The municipality was also appointed as one of the preferred destinations for travelers in the Airbnb ranking. Among the 10 most popular destinations in the world, there are only three Brazilian cities, and Itapema is one of them, which positions it as a highly recognized tourist attraction.
That year, the municipality was considered the third most expensive square meter in Brazil, according to the FipeZap ranking, which evaluates the value of the sale of real estate in the country. In 2022 alone, the square meter in Itapema increased by 16.55%.
“Demographic growth, visibility as a tourist destination and socioeconomic development are totally related to the delivery of sanitation services. The social and economic gains that sanitation provides for a locality have an impact on public health, attraction of investments, public recognition and generation of jobs and income”, says Denis Grassi, superintendent of Conasa Águas de Itapema.
In the municipality, quality water supply and sewage treatment, which were possible by private investments made by the concessionaire over 18 years, were responsible for the significant change of the city as a tourist center and attractive market for investments.